Flask-pyoidc extension

class flask_pyoidc.OIDCAuthentication(provider_configurations, app=None, redirect_uri_config=None)

OIDCAuthentication object for Flask extension.

  • provider_configurations (Mapping[str, ProviderConfiguration]) – provider configurations by name
  • app (flask.app.Flask) – optional Flask app
  • redirect_uri_config (RedirectUriConfig) – optional redirect URI config to use instead of ‘OIDC_REDIRECT_URI’ config parameter.
access_control(provider_name: str, scopes_required: list = None)

This decorator serves dual purpose that is it can do both token based authorization and oidc based authentication. If your API needs to be accessible by either modes, use this decorator otherwise use either oidc_auth or token_auth.

  • provider_name (str) – Name of the provider registered with OIDCAuthorization.
  • scopes_required (list, optional) – List of valid scopes associated with the endpoint.

Forbidden – If accesss_token is invalid.


auth = OIDCAuthentication({'default': provider_config})
def index():

You can also specify scopes required by the endpoint:

                     scopes_required=['read', 'write'])
introspect_token(request, client, scopes: list = None) → Optional[oic.extension.message.TokenIntrospectionResponse]

RFC 7662: Token Introspection The Token Introspection extension defines a mechanism for resource servers to obtain information about access tokens. With this spec, resource servers can check the validity of access tokens, and find out other information such as which user and which scopes are associated with the token.

  • request (flask.Request) – flask request object.
  • client (flask_pyoidc.pyoidc_facade.PyoidcFacade) – PyoidcFacade object contains metadata of the provider and client.
  • scopes (list, optional) – Specify scopes required by your endpoint.

result – If access_token is valid or None if invalid.

Return type:

TokenIntrospectionResponse or None

token_auth(provider_name, scopes_required: list = None)

Token based authorization.

  • provider_name (str) – Name of the provider registered with OIDCAuthorization.
  • scopes_required (list, optional) – List of valid scopes associated with the endpoint.
  • Unauthorized – flask.abort(401) if authorization field is missing.
  • Forbidden – flask.abort(403) if access token is invalid.


auth = OIDCAuthentication({'default': provider_config})
def index():

You can also specify scopes required by the endpoint.

                 scopes_required=['read', 'write'])

Returns a valid access token.

  1. If the current access token in the user session is valid, return that.
  2. If the current access token has expired and there is a refresh token in the user session, make a refresh token request and return the new access token.
  3. If the token refresh fails, either due to missing refresh token or token error response, return None.
Parameters:force_refresh (bool) – whether to perform the refresh token request even if the current access token is valid
Returns:valid access token
Return type:Option[str]


class flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.ClientMetadata(client_id=None, client_secret=None, **kwargs)
  • client_id (str) – client identifier representing the client
  • client_secret (str) – client secret to authenticate the client with the OP
  • kwargs (dict) – key-value pairs
class flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.ClientRegistrationInfo(*args, **kwargs)
  • args (List[Tuple[String, String]]) – key-value pairs to store
  • kwargs (Dict[string, string]) – key-value pairs to store
class flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.OIDCData(*args, **kwargs)

Basic OIDC data representation providing validation of required fields.

  • args (List[Tuple[String, String]]) – key-value pairs to store
  • kwargs (Dict[string, string]) – key-value pairs to store
class flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.ProviderConfiguration(issuer=None, provider_metadata=None, userinfo_http_method='GET', client_registration_info=None, client_metadata=None, auth_request_params=None, session_refresh_interval_seconds=None, requests_session=None)

Metadata for communicating with an OpenID Connect Provider (OP).


Extra parameters, as key-value pairs, to include in the query parameters of the authentication request


The client metadata registered with the provider.


Requests object to use when communicating with the provider.


Number of seconds between updates of user data (tokens, user data, etc.) fetched from the provider. If None is specified, no silent updates should be made user data will be made.


HTTP method (“GET” or “POST”) to use when making the UserInfo Request. If None is specifed, no UserInfo Request will be made.

  • issuer (str) – OP Issuer Identifier. If this is specified discovery will be used to fetch the provider metadata, otherwise provider_metadata must be specified.
  • provider_metadata (ProviderMetadata) – OP metadata,
  • userinfo_http_method (Optional[str]) – HTTP method (GET or POST) to use when sending the UserInfo Request. If none is specified, no userinfo request will be sent.
  • client_registration_info (ClientRegistrationInfo) – Client metadata to register your app dynamically with the provider. Either this or registered_client_metadata must be specified.
  • client_metadata (ClientMetadata) – Client metadata if your app is statically registered with the provider. Either this or client_registration_info must be specified.
  • auth_request_params (dict) – Extra parameters that should be included in the authentication request.
  • session_refresh_interval_seconds (int) – Length of interval (in seconds) between attempted user data refreshes.
  • requests_session (requests.Session) – custom requests object to allow for example retry handling, etc.
class flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.ProviderMetadata(issuer=None, authorization_endpoint=None, jwks_uri=None, **kwargs)
  • issuer (str) – OP Issuer Identifier.
  • authorization_endpoint (str) – URL of the OP’s Authorization Endpoint
  • jwks_uri (str) – URL of the OP’s JSON Web Key Set
  • kwargs (dict) – key-value pairs corresponding to OpenID Provider Metadata

User session handling

exception flask_pyoidc.user_session.UninitialisedSession
class flask_pyoidc.user_session.UserSession(session_storage, provider_name=None)

Session object for user login state.

Wraps comparison of times necessary for session handling.


flask_session is empty when the session hasn’t been initialised or has expired. Thus checking for existence of any item is enough to determine if we’re authenticated.

update(*, access_token=None, expires_in=None, id_token=None, id_token_jwt=None, userinfo=None, refresh_token=None)
  • access_token (str) –
  • expires_in (int) –
  • id_token (Mapping[str, str]) –
  • id_token_jwt (str) –
  • userinfo (Mapping[str, str]) –


exception flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.AuthResponseErrorResponseError(error_response)
Parameters:error_response (Mapping[str, str]) – OAuth error response containing ‘error’ and ‘error_description’
exception flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.AuthResponseMismatchingSubjectError
exception flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.AuthResponseProcessError
exception flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.AuthResponseUnexpectedStateError
class flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.AuthenticationResult(access_token, expires_in, id_token_claims, id_token_jwt, userinfo_claims, refresh_token)

Create new instance of AuthenticationResult(access_token, expires_in, id_token_claims, id_token_jwt, userinfo_claims, refresh_token)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 5


Alias for field number 4

exception flask_pyoidc.auth_response_handler.InvalidIdTokenError
class flask_pyoidc.pyoidc_facade.PyoidcFacade(provider_configuration, redirect_uri)

Wrapper around pyoidc library, coupled with config for a simplified API for flask-pyoidc.

Parameters:provider_configuration (flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration.ProviderConfiguration) –
authentication_request(state, nonce, extra_auth_params)
  • state (str) – authentication request parameter ‘state’
  • nonce (str) – authentication request parameter ‘nonce’
  • extra_auth_params (Mapping[str, str]) – extra authentication request parameters

the authentication request

Return type:



Public method to request access_token using client_credentials flow. This is useful for service to service communication where user-agent is not available which is required in authorization code flow. Your service can request access_token in order to access APIs of other services.

On API call, token introspection will ensure that only valid token can be used to access your APIs.


auth = OIDCAuthentication({'default': provider_config},

Requests tokens from an authorization code.

Parameters:authorization_code (str) – authorization code issued to client after user authorization
Returns:The parsed token response, or None if no token request was performed.
Return type:Union[AccessTokenResponse, TokenErrorResponse, None]
Parameters:auth_request (AuthorizationRequest) – authenticatio request
Returns:Authentication request as a URL to redirect the user to the provider.
Return type:str
Parameters:response_params (Mapping[str, str]) – authentication response parameters
Returns:The parsed authorization response
Return type:Union[AuthorizationResponse, AuthorizationErrorResponse]

Requests new tokens using a refresh token.

Parameters:refresh_token (str) – refresh token issued to client after user authorization
Returns:The parsed token response, or None if no token request was performed.
Return type:Union[AccessTokenResponse, TokenErrorResponse, None]
Parameters:access_token (str) – Bearer access token to use when fetching userinfo
Returns:UserInfo Response
Return type:oic.oic.message.OpenIDSchema
verify_id_token(id_token, auth_request)

Verifies the ID Token.

  • id_token (Mapping[str, str]) – ID token claims
  • auth_request (Mapping[str, str]) – original authentication request parameters to validate against (nonce, acr_values, max_age, etc.)

PyoidcError – If the ID token is invalid.